Project Highlights
Client:Pyrodos Ltd.
Partners:Media8 & Co
Project duration: May 2017 - Aug 2017
Project category:Education & Security Awareness
Project Overview
People are the most important and valuable asset in any company. On the other hand they can be the most critical link in your IT Security chain. Why is that? First of all people can be IT Security threats, intentional or unintentional. Unintentional insider threats are most common and the least researched and addressed IT Security Threats.
Today IT Security attackers focus mostly on people, using Social Engineering and similar methods. Why? Because in large numbers of companies IT Security is on the lowest level of priority when comes to company investments. Very few companies invest in IT Security and raise awareness and IT Security education among their employees. This is what attackers know well and what they exploit the most. So how to protect yourself? Education and Security Awareness programs and training for both your employees and your vendors can help a lot.
ConsultingPress provided complete service of Security Awareness Training for Pyrodos Ltd. which helped in raising awareness of importance of IT Security and role of an employee in the whole picture.
ConsultingPress helped to assure IT Security in Pyrodos Ltd. is on highest level and educate employees and business partners of value and importance of IT Security.
Vulnerabilities and Threats Detection
Analysis of Business Relationships
Detailed analysis of Pyrodos Ltd. vendors, it's rights to IT assets of the company, ways of communication and information transfers.
IT Security Architecture & Implementation
Increased level of IT Security
Detailed vendor risk management plan
Documented best practices and procedures
Higher level IT Security awareness